Američki Paint
Američki Paint je pasmina konja koja kombinira karakteristike zapadnog stočnog konja s pinto točkastim uzorkom bijele i tamne boje dlake. Američki Paint Horse dijeli zajedničko podrijetlo s američkim Quarter konjem i čistokrvnim. Ova vrsta konja je mišićava, teška, ali nije previsoka, s niskim težištem za manevriranje i snažnim stražnjim dijelom pogodnim za brzo ubrzanje i sprint. Paint je tipičan western konj, ali koristi se i u drugim vrstama natjecanja. Visina Paint konja je od 142-172 cm u grebenu. Boja je jedina posebna značajka painta. To su uglavnom quarter konji koji iznad koljena imaju bijele šare. Postoji dvije vrste šara, tobiano i overo. Tobiano šare su češće, velike i ravnomjerno raspoređene bijele šare po leđima. Kod overo konja bijele se šare rijetko kada nalaze na leđima. Pružaju se prema gore od trbuha i najčešće su nepravilne Po svim drugim aspektima sliči na quarter konja jer su im to glavni preci: široko čelo s prijateljskim, izražajnim očima, araberski nos, slabo istaknuti greben, ali dobro razvijen mišičav stražnji dio.
Ovi konji su inteligentni i prvorazrednog temperamenta.
The American Paint Horse is a breed of horse that combines both the conformational characteristics of a western stock horse with a pinto spotting pattern of white and dark coat colours. The American Paint Horse shares a common ancestry with the American Quarter Horse and the Thoroughbred. This type of horse is muscular, heavy but not too tall, with a low center of maneuverability and a strong rear end suitable for fast acceleration and sprinting. Paint is a typical western horse, but it is also used in other types of competitions. Paint horse height is 142-172 cm at the withers. Color is the only special feature of pain. These are mostly quarter horses that have white patterns above the knee. There are two types of patterns, tobiano and overo. Tobiano patterns are more common, large and evenly distributed white patterns on the back. In overo horses, white patterns are rarely found on the back. They extend upwards from the abdomen and are usually irregular. In all other respects they resemble a quarter horse because they are their main ancestors: broad forehead with friendly, expressive eyes, Arabian nose, faintly pointed crest, but well-developed muscular hindquarters. These horses are mostly intelligent and of first-class temperament.