
Akhal-Teke (od turkmenskog Ahalteke), pasmina konja s područja Središnje Azije, iz koje je proširena i na područje Rusije i Turske. Nacionalni je simbol Turkmenistana, u kojem posebna državna agencija provodi održavanje i razvoj vrste. Predstavlja rijetku pasminu te broji oko 6000 živućih jedniki u svijetu. U Kini ih nazivaju rajskim konjima zbog sjajnih, svilenkastih dlaka koje je ih prekrivaju. Ispitivanjem njihove dlake, utvrđeno je da zbog svoje građe sjaji na svjetlosti Uzgojilo ga je turmensko pleme Tekke, koje je nastanjivalo sjeverne padine lanca Kopet-Dag, izravno iz turkmenskog konja. Nakon poraza Turkmena od postrojbi Ruskog Carstva, pasmina se proširila na područje Rusije, gdje se razvio sustav organiziranog uzgoja konja za konjicu i konjički šport. Do 1932. vodio se i registar pasmina u kojem se bilježila brojnost i osobine pasmine. Pasmina je bila zastupljena među 700 poznatih pasmina konja u prvom tiskanom ruskom registru konjskih pasmina iz 1941. godine. Akhali su srednje veličine, obično između 144 -160 cm u grebenu, kilaže između 430 i 500 kg. Imaju široki spektar boja dlake ; najčešći su dorati, sivosmeđi (Dun), alati te vranci. Ostale boje uključuju sivu, krem i žutu. Dlaka im često ima ‘metalni sjaj’ koji kod sivosmeđih (Dun) konja stvara neobičan zlatni efekt. Smatra se da je to omogućavalo kamuflažu u pustinji.

Akhal-Teke (from the Turkmen Akhalteke), a breed of horse from Central Asia, from which it was extended to Russia and Turkey. It is the national symbol of Turkmenistan, where a special state agency carries out the maintenance and development of the species. It is a rare breed and has about 6,000 living individuals in the world. In China, they are called horses of paradise because of the shiny, silky hairs that cover them. Examining their hair, it was determined that because of its structure it shines in the light. It was bred by the Turkmen tribe Tekke, which inhabited the northern slopes of the Kopet-Dag chain, directly from the Turkmen horse. After the defeat of the Turkmen by the troops of the Russian Empire, the breed spread to the territory of Russia, where a system of organized horse breeding for cavalry and equestrian sports was developed. Until 1932, a register of breeds was kept, in which the number and characteristics of the breed were recorded. The breed was represented among 700 known horse breeds in the first printed Russian register of horse breeds from 1941. Akhals are of medium size, usually between 144 -160 cm in height, weighing between 430 and 500 kg. They have a wide range of hair colors; the most common are bay, gray-brown (Dun), tools and crows. Other colors include gray, cream and yellow. Their hair often has a ‘metallic shine’ which creates an unusual golden effect in gray-brown (Dun) horses. It is believed that this enabled camouflage in the desert.