Pinot crni

Pinot crni je grožđe tanke kožice, stoga je laganog tijela i svjetlije boje. Zahtjeva stalnu njegu i nadzor, posebno zbog osjetljivosti na bolesti. Kako bi se dobilo dobro vino, potrebno je smanjivati urod. Rano zri, te nije pogodno za izrazito toplu klimu. Aroma ovog vina je jako ovisna o području u kojemu se uzgaja grožđe, a najpoznatija vina dolaze iz Burgundije. Iz tog razloga se često naziva i crnim burgundcem. Okus i miris se osim što ovise o području dosta mijenjaju s vremenom, pa su tu prisutni i jagoda, kupina, malina, višnja, ljubičice, kupus, a kod starijih vina prevladavaju zemljani tonovi.

Pinot Noir is a grape with a thin skin, so it has a light body and a lighter color. Requires constant care and supervision, especially due to susceptibility to disease. In order to get good wine, it is necessary to reduce the yield. It ripens early, and is not suitable for extremely warm climates. The aroma of this wine is very dependent on the area where the grapes are grown, and the most famous wines come from Burgundy. For this reason, it is often called the black burgundy. Apart from depending on the area, the taste and smell change a lot over time, so there are also strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, violets, cabbage, and older wines are dominated by earth tones.